When one hero falls, another rises. Juice has seen the proverbial Bat Signal in the sky from former Bitfusion customers looking for a solution to Bitfusion’s recent EOL announcement and we are here, happy to answer the call. Juice offers former Bitfusion customers a novel GPU over IP software solution - which can be easily slotted into your current deployments, and do so much more than what you could before.
Bitfusion was great, but it mainly focused on supporting CUDA. Juice, on the other hand, goes above and beyond to cater to a plethora of GPU APIs and frameworks, including:
- Vulkan: A modern, low-overhead graphics and compute API that enables efficient resource management.
- DirectX: Microsoft's suite of multimedia APIs for gaming and video applications.
- OpenGL: The widely-used cross-platform graphics API, making it accessible for a broader audience.
- PyTorch and TensorFlow: Popular machine learning frameworks, so you can keep on innovating.
- Graphics engines like Unity and Unreal: Unleashing new levels of creativity and performance.
- Production applications like Blender and Maya: Accelerating your animation and design workflows.
- …and CUDA: Like Bitfusion, Juice fully supports the popular parallel computing platform and API from NVIDIA.
Juice's complete support paves the way for next-generation workflows, making it not just the ideal replacement for Bitfusion, but rather a comprehensive upgrade.
But what are some use cases where Juice really shines? Let's dive in:
- Dynamic instance configuration with GPU: Customize your server instances with GPU resources on-demand to handle fluctuating workload requirements.
- Attaching GPU to CPU-only instances: Get the GPU power you need, when you need it, without being tied to specific hardware configurations.
- Sharing GPUs across multiple clients: Improve resource utilization and collaboration by enabling GPU sharing among different users and applications.
- GPU edge deployment: Accelerate computer vision and AI processing at the edge for real-time, high-performance analysis.
If you're a former Bitfusion customer, it's time to make the switch to Juice. Not only will you enjoy a seamless transition, but you'll also unlock new potential in your GPU infrastructure. Juice's versatility and comprehensive support for various APIs and frameworks make it an ideal solution for data centers, cloud companies, and organizations across different industries.